A Powerful, Turnkey Email Marketing Solution that Maximizes Your ROI.

A prospecting tool for the 21st century, e-mail offers a reliable, cost-effective way to reach out to large audiences, enhance sales and foster long-term customer relationships. Opt-in e-mail lists allow for razor-precision targeting, while the instant nature of email enables lightning-fast response time—typically within 48 hours. Moreover, when you consider the ever-increasing costs of postage, printing and paper, an email campaign costs significantly less than a direct mail campaign, making it a very attractive addition to your marketing arsenal.

With eDIRECT, Profit Marketing offers you the business-boosting power of email, backed by premium lists, comprehensive campaign support and nearly 20 years of direct marketing expertise.

Why Choose eDIRECT for Your Email Marketing Needs?

  • Maximize Your Marketing ROI with Selective Targeting. With opt-in response information available from thousands of opt-in sites, our email lists are very targeted, including geographic, demographic and VALS (values, attitudes and lifestyles) attributes. That means you consistently reach qualified prospects who are ready to act on your email offer. Add that to the low cost of email marketing, and you’re almost guaranteed a favorable return on your investment.
  • Save money. Profit Marketing’s eDIRECT offers low minimums, no monthly fees, and no binding contracts to sign. Depending on the quantities ordered, our turnkey email marketing solution costs just a few cents per lead.
  • Save time. Profit Marketing handles every aspect of your email marketing campaign, from our optional design service to message distribution. With extensive direct marketing experience, we know how to execute an email campaign efficiently and effectively, giving you the most reward for the least amount of effort.
  • Our Quality Guarantee. Profit Marketing offers a 97% accuracy and deliverability guarantee in conjunction with our eDIRECT email marketing service. Any undeliverable email will be replaced free of charge with a new one. In addition, all of our business and consumer email lists are 100% compliant with the Can Spam Compliance Act of 2003.

Looking for a marketing solution that generates strong, consistent results? Contact Profit Marketing today for free email marketing counts and price quotes.